Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 131: Raising Kind Children

A few days into my 21 Day Challenge (a prayer challenge to read specific passages in the bible each day .....for 21 days--inspired by Daniel and including the last few days of reading from the book of Daniel)  I happened upon a prayer to ask God to help identify those who aren't FOR you.  Those who may actually be AGAINST you.  It termed it fairly heavily (in my opinion) because it went as far as to say ask God to reveal any who plot evil against you, and to me, this just didn't resonate.  Maybe I'm naive, well, ok.  I definitely am, but I honestly don't ever think that anyone has "plotted evil" against me.  Well, not since an old college boyfriend cheated on me!  And even then......I wouldn't consider it "plotting"  He probably didn't have the sense to "plot" if he tried!  ;)  But I guess I don't think of people being against you to that extent--the word PLOT.  But after the day I posted it, my own daughter disclosed to me that her "friend" had asked my daughter's date to take her to an upcoming dance. Knowing very well that my daughter was already asked by the boy to be her date for the dance.  Sad face?  yes!  Really?  yes!

I instantly thought of the prayer for that day!  Hmmm......perhaps God means "plot" in the  more general terms.  The more common things that occur such as a "friend" being......not so much of one!  It saddened me that this type of behavior was common among high school "friends" and I had to (again) explain to my daughter that some people are out for themselves.....even if it means hurting a friend in the process.  I'm so glad that we have raised our children differently.  They're not perfect--by any means.  They just know how to be a good friend and thankfully--they've learned it through parental friendships which model true friendship.....and relationships in general, for that matter.  Being a good friend is really quite simple.  It means being loyal, true, and solid to the core.  It starts with a person who has good character traits and morals and is blossomed by relationships that foster caring for one another, enjoying each other's company and supporting each other through the good and the bad all while sharing a standard of behavior for what is and what is not kind.  That's the part I'm seeing quite lacking in a few teenagers......and it brings me to today's "share post".  

This post was shared on social media about raising kind daughters.  It applies to sons as well.  It's an example of what real, true friendship SHOULD look like and it's heart warming!  You may see yourself in it--or you may realize there is some growing to do in this area.  Either way--I think you'll enjoy it.  Brings to mind a common quote (which I've blogged about earlier) that I saw posted in a local bakery.
Here's to Good Women
May we Know Them
Be Them
Raise Them!

Here's to good people!  May we Know Them, Be Them, Raise Them!  :)

Kindness among young girls doesn't start on the playground or in the locker room -- it starts at home. Most notably, it starts with kind mothers raising kind daughters. Our girls see how we treat our friends. They also notice how we treat their friends.

We moms rub off on our girls. Over time our way of thinking becomes their way of thinking. If we want to raise kind daughters, we need to start by being kind mothers.

Click here for the link to the entire post. 

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