Saturday, August 30, 2014

Day 149: Dementia and Alzheimer's post

Even if you have't fallen in love with the movie, The Notebook, you've probably learned about Alzheimer's and Dementia through various sources.  Well this post is an honorary one.  It honors ALL who've been affected by either disease and it honors a very special woman that I've known who has passed away with both of these debilitating illnesses.  Education is priority and COMPASSION is essential!  So here's to all who suffer or will suffer at some point in their lives with either of these illnesses.

The compassion and LOVE is beautifully expressed and witnessed!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Day 148: Thankful for Technology

Technology gets a bad rap sometimes.   But honestly, it's super amazing!  I mean,come on......without it we wouldn't have the vast social media that we have today.  And I probably wouldn't be in my 40s staying connected to friends I had in college (or even childhood) without it.  SO for that, I am grateful!!  I often think of how much technological advances have really impacted my life and I am just.......thankful! Just tonight, I was  blogging about my students' latest Science experiment, and with in minutes, I had posts from college friends on similar experiences.  It's amazing!  One thing I remember my father he was a fore-father of technology......was that it had infinite possibilities.  I love that.  Knowing the possibilities are endless.  Knowing that we can evolve and grow and change and learn and advance to limitless points.  That in itself, is pretty awesome.  Then you add in intellect, and the basic desires of humans to  move forward and do things bigger, better, faster, stronger, :)  well, and then you get the picture!   So tonight's post is to TECHNOLOGY!!!  How much we love it.  How much we NEED it.  And how much we USE it in life!!!  

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Day 147: Power of Positvity

So this video went around social media a few years ago.....this precious little girl may be a teenager by now, but her message is still going strong!  And it's worthy of a share or re-share.....or two!  If we could all have this outlook on life......every day!  :)  May it be an inspiration to you, as it was and still is, to me!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Day 146: TRUST

This post is a devotion of TRUST!  I trust the Lord and it's a little bittersweet because our son is going off to college this week.  We are so excited and proud of him and know he will have an amazing experience in college,but......we are definitely going to miss the presence of his humor and spirit in our home!  This week is going to be .....well..... a transition, for sure!

I came across this wonderful post about TRUST which I want to share.  I also came across this adorable dog party video that I want to include in the same I will try to add them both.

What I have realized, is that I must TRUST God that we've raised our son to be prepared to make this adjustment in his life!  That is  HUGE task, but I must TRUST that we've raised him to the best of our ability and he's ready to embark on this next chapter in his life!   We are so happy for him to start his collegiate experience, and we are also happy that he will move forward with God at the center of his life!  
 We also are reflecting on  how much JOY we've had in  raising him this far.  That brings me to my next post, the Dog Party!!  One of his favorite books when he was a tot, was Go, Dog, Go!  It was so much fun reading this book to him and every time, when I came to the part of the book where the Dog Party happened, he would get so excited with anticipation of all the fun the dogs would have at the "dog party"......well this video depicts my image of the dog party quite well. 
So-- for all the parents who are sending their children off to college this fall......I pray for you and your child to have an amazing adventure!  I pray that they will enjoy their new experience and that God will keep them protected and guided through the whole experience!  I also pray that God will comfort parents through this transition, so that it maybe one of celebration of progression and less of sadness over missing their child.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Day 145: Give and you shall receive

This post comes about from a couple of things that happened this week that made me realize coincidence is not quite the word for what I was noticing.  God's work would be a better term.   So here goes--

Sharing a post from my friend, Kelly  (because apparently, she doesn't have this "share" feature turned on in her settings!)  but this is a good post, and it deserves a "share" 
From Kelly:  In the car today I heard something on the radio that was so inspirational I had to share. I only caught a little bit and after stopping for gas, the show was over so I’m not even sure which NPR program it was…if I find the source, I will post.
The show was about changing other peoples’ lives. I was only half listening at first because it didn’t seem to relate to me. I’m not Oprah or Ellen, who can pay someone’s college tuition or buy someone a car so they can drive to a new job…
But the more I listened to the examples, the more I realized that I have changed lives, and I’m sure you have as well.
Have you introduced two friends that you thought had a lot in common and they married? Yep. I’ve done that more than once.
Have you recommended someone for a job because you knew they were perfect for it and they have been happily employed ever since? Why yes, more than once.
Have you made a phone call that could change a life? Found the right person to help a friend? I bet you have.
Have you helped someone give up destructive habits? Drinking, drugs, or other poor choices? Definitely life-saving.
Have you mentored a young person? Encouraged them to go farther in their education, making the difference in a career path that could affect their family for generations? What a powerful gift!
Have you listened to someone who might be at the end of his or her rope? Encouraged someone with a kind word or spelled an overworked caretaker? No telling how much you helped
I have. You have. This show reminded me that we can all do incredible things. Connecting, encouraging, listening, doing. Some of these things take nothing more than picking up the phone, proffering a name…some take more of a commitment. But one thing I know, each time I have extended myself for someone, I have received as much or more in return. Today I am reminded to look around for those opportunities. If we truly listen to people and ask ourselves if there is something we can do to help, the chance to change a life can be found wherever you may be. I am sorry for the times I have overlooked the opportunities to help and for those who have made a difference in my life…thank you. xoxoxo KB
From me:  And this brings me to my own, personal "full circle" moment and post. This week, my daughters started back to school and received flowers on the first day from their Aunt. It truly made their day and when I thanked her for the act of kindness, she said "well, I remembered how you used to send me flowers at school and it made me realize I wanted to pass on the tradition with my nieces"
Luke 6:38 - Give, and it shall be given unto you; For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.
Happy Friday!!