Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 33: Music to my ears ;)

I have written before about my daughters and their amazing writing talents.  Tonight, my oldest shared with me some of her most recent song writings.......I was blown away!  She amazes me that she can write with such eloquence and conviction at such a young age.  She has an uncanny ability to write from the heart and passion of an experienced adult when she's merely a 13........and she's been writing since she was 4!!  We laughed at that memory of her very first song (Because of You) and when Kelly Clarkson came out with a hit that same year......she said "mommy, she stole my song!"  :)  The music was completely different but to a 4 year was her title, so it was her song! 

Taylor Swift
I've been encouraging her to keep all her writings and even record them so she won't forget the melody she had in mind and she's found a way to get all her songs on the computer now, which is wonderful!  I love listening to her work on a song or share one as she's developing it.  Truly music to my ears!!!

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