On a side note--I have a personal connection to the book because I know the author and interestingly enough, we went to college together. She was in a different sorority than I was and she was a little older but it's interesting that our lives would reconnect through her book, her organization and facebook some 20 plus years later.
The story is of her daughter's battle with leukemia and it will make you cry but it will also lift you up and touch your heart <3.
I happened to be reading it when we were on vacation so my husband was utterly confused when the tears started flowing and he couldn't understand why I would want to read a book that makes me cry on vacation! But I told him that I just couldn't put it down and it had a very strong spiritual message (which I shared with everyone in my house). In the book, the author's (Denise Taylor) daughter Jonnae (who is sick with Leukemia) poses the question to her mom something like "why does everyone view life in the 'have to' frame of mind? .....why can't they see life as a GET TO?" and from that point on the GET TO outlook was born. The author shares her daughter Johnnae's perspective with everyone and immediately they realize the power of flipping just two words! I won't say more about the book (because you really should read it!) but the author is a mother of 5 children and she has gone on to found a non-profit organization aptly called GET TO.
So I shared this concept with my family--and wow! Children have the GREATEST ability to grasp concepts and run with them! They started using the GET TO attitude in everything! Sometimes they would catch themselves beginning to gripe or complain about their chores and we'd just look at each other, pause and instantly they'd say "I mean, I GET TO do the dishes" :)
I was so impressed with the effect that I had to contact the author, Denise on facebook with a message about how her story, her daughter's legacy and her positivity had touched our lives. She was delighted to hear it!
I'm so proud of our children for so many things, but I am extremely humbled by their connection to Jonnae's story and that they could emulate her positive, spiritual outlook at their ages. It really is true, what they say about==gratitude changing attitude!
And that is kind of what started my whole blogging venue (combined with just wanting to mommy journal) so I knew when I finished the book, that I would devote a post to Jonnae, the book, and the WE GET TO foundation. We often take being healthy for granted. But when you read Heavenly Birth--you will appreciate your life and the lives of those around you. Our time here on earth truly is for a purpose. It is small in comparison to eternity and while heaven will be bliss......we don't want to miss the joy of life while we're here. Sometimes a negative attitude actually robs us of that joy in small, accummulative ways. We can change our outlook and we GET TO!
For more information on the foundation-visit http://wegetto.org/
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