But this idea was spawned from a dear lady I follow on social media who calls herself Momastery. She is an author and speaker and such. She is spiritual and inspiration and REAL. Mostly REAL. That's her appeal, I think. Anyway--her post was this:
Hell hath no furry like a child catching you throwing out ANYTHING, EVER! I smuggle out broken crayons, like a Mexican Drug Lord!
Well that just triggered a bunch of flashbacks! I suddenly saw myself being the young aunt who went around the apartment.....snatching my nieces play things as my sister (their mom) was running around on a rampage, pillaging their prized possessions in the name of CLEANING UP! Oh so funny. Not to my nieces, but now as I look back. I'm sure I've had my share of those same mom moments, but at the time, I was so tender hear-ted that it saddened me to see my sister tossing items just because they weren't neatly put away. Items that the children truly treasured and were sad to see "go". I felt victorious in my quest to save those items from "THE PILE" or the trash. Now, I'm sure I was similar in my manic mom moments. Similar rants occurred over frivolous messes. If only we had the wisdom early on in our parenting adventure.....that this too shall pass. This mess, which is currently encompassing our home....will soon be a vacant memory of a fun, toy--mess-filled childhood that we long to see and hear again! Oh, oh, oh if only. I would certainly go back and CHILL OUT over the messes that stressed me out in days gone by. I would certainly NOT have stressed so much. But what in the world did I think was so important and VALUABLE about having super-uber clean rooms anyway?? Eh! Now, when I knew better, I do better. I am still kind of a clean freak- ok. but I am certainly not as obsessive, control-live, or disorderly as I used to be. Thank GOD! Thank God I've learned and Thank God, I've grown. WISDOM my friends, it's purely God given WISDOM that I have to thank for my gaining the grip on obsessive compulsive cleaning rampages of my younger years.
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