Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 87: Journaling

You may notice that the introduction to my blog refers to how I used to keep a mommy journal on my old computer......well guess what I found today??/  The files of that old mommy journal!!!  I'm so excited!!  
And in going back through my entries today.....I found myself completely bawling with tears of JOY!!  Life passes so quickly.....and it is a precious, beautiful gift!  
In honor of the whole gratitude movement--I have to say that the best way to feel grateful is to regularly and continually evaluate your life and the many blessings in it.  Even the difficult times we all face......we can be thankful for what they teach us and how they help us grow and mold into what God wants us to become.  Wow!  I read 40 pages covering approximately 4 years of my life when our babies were babies and I have one thought-Thank You God!

Now--I am trying to think of a way to incorporate those older entries into my blog ......just so that everything will be in one place.  Hmmmm......I will have to think about how best to do that.  But it sure was a treat to discover that all that journaling was saved and accessible.  Now, I do still have the handwritten journal that started it hopefully it can all be combined and composed into one format for my children to keep.  That's why I started all of this in the first place.  And I was just thinking about this again today while on some social media sites--that today's "journal" for many will be their social media timelines.  What's nice is that children of today's social media will have wonderful journals with full color pictures and even video chronical-ing their lives.  I can think of a few friends with babies and just in their first year of life--have developed wonderfully documented journals of so many things our generation probably did not have.  We were the home video generation--but today's youth will have so much more!  It's truly amazing to think about.  

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