Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 63: Sisterly Bond

I've written many times about the wonderful blessings our children are......and remember, that's what this blog is all about, after all.  Me sharing my memories of their childhood, and other tid-bits of day to day life, and even some corny-nostalgic-keepsake-types of information that I want them to be able to go back and read over.....ya' know......even when I'm gone. So this post is no different.  It's just another one of those sweet memories that I'd like to write down in the "baby books" (as we call it around our house).

So last night my older daughter found this cool new app allows you to create e-cards (through American Greetings I believe) and you can personalize them with your own photos, message etc.  Well so that's nothing new....but the plus to this particular app is that it also included Taylor Swift music with the e-card (and if you've been reading now you KNOW how much my girls...and Taylor Swift!)  So this was a no-brainer!  And while my older daughter was browsing around on the app......I noticed my younger daughter getting that "gleam" in her eyes.  Within minutes of being shown the app's capabilities....she whispers to me "mom, can I make one for sis and send it to her through your facebook or twitter?"  I thought, well that's sweet.....but I wasn't sure about all the privacy settings on everything and I'm still protective of my children with social media. (Remind me to tell you about some baaaddddd appps we've encourntered!  Saved for another post perhaps! ;)

So my younger daughter proceeds to create her masterpiece and in a few minutes she shows it to me.  It was adorable!  After thinking it over....and realizing I could limit who actually sees the e-card.....I decided to let her send it.

Now here's where it gets really sweet......of course my oldest loved it, and of course my youngest loved that she loved it.....but after listening to them downstairs thanking and hugging.....I then hear feverent laughter.  And the comment....."you know, we can just marry each other if Mr. Right doesn't happen to show up!"  Which made me literally laugh out loud!  How cute!!  It's as if they were bonding on a new level.....teaming up to face life's challenges and proclaiming their love and support of one matter what!  How can you ask for more than that?  Sisterly Bond at it's best!!! 

On a similar note--I'll just quickly add that they also just this week discovered another which allows them to make their own music videos to ANY music they have on their Ipod....and they made one for the tear-jerking, Taylor Swift song, "Don't You Ever Grow Up".   I think I've posted before about hearing this song for the first time and it making me cry.  Well that was nothing compared to what their original music video did for their Daddy when he watched it.  :)  Brought new meaning to the term "ballin'"  if you know what I mean.  :)  It was another sweet memory.  One I'll always remember and one......for the books!

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