Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day 37: The Best Day with You!

I've posted many times on the wonderful joy my children bring into our lives and this post is about just that.  We are fortunate to get to spend so much time together and all of those years when they were little were filled with so much joy and togetherness.  I recall such pleasure in the simple things such as trips to the grocery store or driving to church.  Packing snacks and little hand sized books to occupy them while mass was going but also cuddling because they always seemed to get snuggly at church.  I have one particularly fond memory of my oldest daughter at church.  She was around 3 and had a little more energy so sitting still for an hour could sometimes be interesting and on this one occassion, she was busy asking me a lot of questions about the hymm book and about "that stuff" they pass out during communion ....."what's dat taste wike?" ;)  well she looked over at me and I was intently reading along in the hymm book and she said "mommy, what does that book say" and I said "it says Cali will be good in church" animatingly pointing to each word as I emphasized my point half which she began to touch the words and repeat to herself (Cali will be good in church.....) and then she realized what she was saying.  She made a disapproing face and replied, "I don't wike dis pwace!" !!!!!  I about rolled out of my chair laughing..........and she was as serious as could be!  Oh the laughter that could be heard from parishoners sitting nearby!  It was truly a Cali moment never to be forgotten!  So honest--and so adorable. 

I realize now just how many of those days we always had.  I wish I could have written them ALL down......I know I have been journaling and keeping their baby books but I've bound to have missed some along the way.   Something so simple would turn into something so funny just because of the innocent and adorable nature of children.   Oh I can't begin to tell you how much fun we have had with our children!   And Taylor Switf's song sums it up quite nicely.  It's called "I had the best day with" and it completely describes my memories with my children.  They made every day new and interesting and enjoyable.  So I'll attach the song if you'd like to listen......and a picture of the title. The Best Day by Taylor Swift
And now that she is a teenager........we still have the best days! Just last night she had her first ever "going out with friends to a movie and dinner".  You know......where you drop your child off and they run in to the movie theatre and all of their friends are waiting.  Well we of course went over all the reminders of how to handle various scenerios on safety and other issues that may arise (boys were joining them!)  and when I came to pick her up......she was giddy with excitement of the young fun and taste of growing up she had just digested.  We shared a special ride home listening to Taylor Swift (who else? :) and she laid her head on the console between our seats as I ran my hands through her hair and talked to her about how proud her daddy and I are of her.  How much we trust her and feel so good about how she's maturing and making good decisions.  Then I pictured her at age 3 again......and felt that glimmer of how quickly it all goes by.  I'm so thankful we've shared so many "best days" that fill my heart with joy! Watching your children grow up is the "best day" you live every day for those few childhood years that you are blessed enough to have.  May every parent take the time to realize it and seize it! It warms the soul!

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