My daughters are fans of Taylor Swift......and let me just say that I am not usually big musical fans of the fad-typical-Disney-turned drughead coming of age STARS that seem to be everywhere we turn these days.......but I must admit, that Taylor Swift certainly seems to be different. My girls tell me that she WRITES her own music and from what I have listened to, she writes very well. I have also only seen her perform on tv or videos and she seems to have a fresh, silly, don't- take -me -too -seriously attitude. Which I like. So last night, my girls came to me with this song of Taylor Swift's that I MUST hear--and I was pleasantly shocked! The song is "Never Grow Up" and I was in tears by the end of it........but what surprised me the most was how she (Taylor Swift) was able to write the song and completely GET the perspective of loving your daughter from a mother's view. Wanting to protect them, hold onto them and cherish all those little moments......such as tucking them in bed.....and holding their small hands. Taylor Swift wrote about it beautifully. And so after we enjoyed the song, and dried our eyes :) I told my girls that as hard as it is to let your children Go and is an absolute JOY to watch them grow up......and that they would ENJOY every stage of their lives. I told them how much I have enjoyed mothering them and watching them grow......and then my youngest said "mommy, wanna do my Science fun kits now?" Absolutely!! (She only asked Santa for 2 things by the way......BOOKS and Science fun kits--gotta love her simplicity!!) --so spa bound we were (at home spa that is......with real oatmeal and honey face masks to boot!)
And that is when I realized that Taylor Swift must have a good relationship with her own mother to be able to write so authentically about growing up from a mother's perspective.......because she's still so young.....but then again.......maybe that's just part of her GIFT and either case, I'm certainly glad she's sharing her GIFT and I thoroughly enjoyed her song. Give it a listen sometime--
Day 10: The Joys of Motherhood
I so RICHLY enjoy reading your blog! You have a way with words that not even I can describe. I love you so much! (;